Friday, November 9, 2007

Oh Masters of the Universe....u bitches!

Last night, after work....Gi, LP, Aladdin and I went to BBQ's for drinks
and dinner after our favorite bar was way too crowded.
The night went well with chicken, ribs, and shrimp all around. Drinks
were flowing and I came home tipsy enough to fall asleep soundly, tucked
in a little past midnight.

At around 1:30am, I woke up to the same sharp pain, I've been subject to
before. Damn wisdom tooth!


I searced the house. No Excedrin. No Anebesol.

The whole right side of my face became swollen. I could barely open my
mouth. It was a throbbing pain.
I thought...hmmm...its not safe to go out at this time of night. Let me
call a cab to the store. It was there in 5 minutes. I ran into the store
a few blocks from my house. No Anebesol, but they have Excedrin in the
little packs. Shit! Ok....I took 5. Got back home...usually 1 Excedrin
numbs the pain. 2 makes it go away. After 4, I was stil throbbing. Shit!
I don't want to overdose on ibuprofen. Fine.

Think. Think. Think.
I bit the bullet.

Mom, can you please take me to the Duane Reade downtown to get some
Anebesol? My mouth is killing me.

Rah.rah.rah.rah. Fine.

I waited 20 minutes for her to get ready as I waited for her in the
cold. I was pissed.

We rode in silence, exept for her interjections that I don't spend my
money on the right things. May be true.

Funny thing is, on the way back, I think the Excedrin kicked in. Shit.

If your tooth was really hurting, you would've put the Orajel on. Hmph!
I couldn't open it.

I got home rubbed it on and went to sleep. It was after 3.
Is it a miracle I didn't get to work more than 20 minutes late....

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