Tuesday, December 25, 2007

...Bah Humbug...

I'm not sure how I feel about Christmas.

I spent last night in a gay bar with friends laughing my head off about the trolls that were walking about. I was wearing my cute gold faux snakesking (sounds tacky but its cute) cowboy boots (what else do you wear to a gay club) which were a little too big and my feet were rubbing so bad that I could hardly walk by the end of the night.

It was kind of sad.

I have a friend staying with me. He wanted to go. So, we went.

Now, I'm debating whether or not I'm going to work. If I don't, I'll visit g-ma at the hospital. She's not doing so well. I really just want to make myself pancakes and eggs, sip on some hot cocoa and watch law and order all day. By myself.
Which is tricky, when you have a houseguest. If you haven't noticed, I'm not good with houseguests. And in order to get this one to leave, I have to shower,get dressed, go on the train and into Manhattan. That's a lot of trouble.

So, ummmm....yea. Merry Christmas to all. I won't be a complete moodkiller. That's what tomorrow's for...


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