Anywho...I went and got another tattoo. And it is huge and beautiful. I've received a lot of questions on it and before I show it to you..let me put your mind at ease. The shit hurt like someone was branding I was under Buffalo Bill's sewing machine....and it felt like that for 4 hours after. I couldn't pick up things and it still hurts to stretch. SO..there

The whole thing. It stretches to the beginning of my bra clasp. It means



in Sanskrit.
Which adds to my existing tatt

Gye Nyame which means God is Supreme. It is a Ghanaian symbol.
And....the pics were taken when the tattoos were fresh so the white substance on my neck is tape glue.
Anywhoo....I am still broke because of it, but I'm happy and I fall more in love with it every time I see it. It looks much better in person.
scrabble, i wish im a writer not a speller
man...I heard that is the most painful place on the body to get a are WAY more gangster than me.
those tatts are the hotness
Me likey!!! I want another tat but I'm trying to be good. LOL
that is HOT!!! i love it!
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