I didn't have a lot of money but I wanted my mom to have a good day. I decided to make salmon steaks. I seasoned it on both sides with Adobo and garlic and herbs. I placed onions and green peppers on top. It came out SO delicious! I made linguine and alfredo sauce and broccoli. It came out perfect! My mom danced the whole while she ate. :)
the salmon before i cooked it..don't you love the colors?)
All the while, dude from Saturday and I were texting each other.
We were talking about REAL things. Aussie and I text each other a lot but it was about nothing - work stuff, him griping about his grandmother...whatever. We talked about how we were raised, lust vs. love, just soo many topics...I told him that he's going to miss me today because I can't text at work.
He was like..."Aww I am so I better take advantage of this..is it cool to call you?"
At that moment, BFF and her friend Toni came over.
An hour later, we were on the phone. I was so nervous because I didn't know if the phone chemistry would be there. It was! We talked for 2 1/2 hours (!!)
I really like him. We're going out on Friday.
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I hope you have fun on your date this weekend. Let us know how it goes.
uh oh! i'm so excited! you gotta keep us updated!
btw...the food looks good.
SQUEEEEEE! Have fun on Friday!
I second YW...food looks awesome
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