Being I'm a woman, I should grab it and tell him if its real.
I protest. I can't grab a penis. He's like stop being a punk...he'll let you. Its because everyone likes you and you know he doesn't want you...he's gay! Lol
So, I do it...and was real. Lol
so...we all start taking pictures when Giselle..she's a well-known industry model decides she was going to have an impromptu photo shoot...the pictures were hot. Lol
We go into the hip hop room...nothing but black dudes looking like we were at the Source after party. I was with Twin, a BLatino gay man...and J, a drag. Even though the dudes were gay, just didn't seem right. Especially after all the fights we'd seen that day, lol.
So, we went in the house room...omg. It looked like Queer as Folk...remember that show? a sea of white dudes dancing shirtless with glow sticks in their hands on pedestals! The bogo dancers were in sailor hats shirtless with white pants. It was fog everywhere. The female dancer had silver glitter covering their nipples. It was bananas.
(you can kinda see the sailor..the other pic is the entrance to the theatre/club)
We were watching from a balcony, out mouths agape because if never seen anything like that before...madness.
I finally convince J to leave. On our way home, she was know what will make this night better? A box of Waffle Crisp.
Whaaat? Yes, folks...I walked in Pathmark at 3:00 in the morning in full make-up to get a box of cereal. Lol
I didn't get home til 4:15...exhausted and in need of some Jesus...hahahahaah
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