For Monique (pics of Rocky aka Sir Rockefeller Petite, Master of Destruction)
When I first got him in February.
He was a little over 2 months old...its hard to remember he was so tiny back then.

(debating on if i should keep this pic up...i was experimenting with big diana ross hair at the time and half my face is covered...we'll see)

(he was so tiny...this isn't his bed. we went to visit my friend and her dog who was twice rocky's size and rocky...tired of playing went to sleep in the dog's bed. he was NOT happy and kept barking at rocky who was so nonchalant about it. this is the ONLY time he's slept in a dog bed. he had a dog bed at home for months before i put it in the closet because he never slept in it.)
At 4 months
(he's officially #teambadass...he's such a happy dog. his tongue is always out as proven by 90% of his pictures)

(he was so skinny but you couldn't tell because he was fluffy)

(my fave pic of him)
At 5 months 
(We'd just gotten back from the groomer)

(perspective you can see how big/small he is)

(my snuggle bunny...after his morning wakeup call)

(How he got the name Master of Destruction. This is part of my living room floor. When I left the house it was clean. When I got home this is what I found: my bra, pair of boots, 1 shoe, a hat, tissue everywhere, stocking and 2 dvds. what was he doing with the dvds? did he watch them and forget to put them back?)
How FREAKIN' ADORABLE IS HE!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!! I love him!!!!!
*rubbing my eyes* Is my mind playing tricks on me or do I see you?!!!! LOL
He is so cute! I think Master of Destruction and Cutest Puppy Ever should be his new nicknames. LOL
Rocky!!! I will never forget when my now deceased dog Precious, ate my favorite Guess Jeans, of course you can tell this was a while ago. I can admit that I cried because they were no longer sellling them!!
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