The rules: List 7 random things about yourself, pass the award to 15 bloggers and answer a couple of questions.
Share seven random things about myself
1. I am lactose-intolerant but LOOVE ice cream so I only eat it if I know I have nowhere to go and DO NOT call me to go out if I just had a bowl. Oh no ma'am.
2. I desperately want to go on a trip. DESPERATELY. Somewhere! Anywhere! A customer told me she was from Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver doesn't sound sexy at all but I was like...take me with you!!! Smh
3. I thought my first book would be published at 21. (I was ambitious) Now I'm hoping 30.(Still ambitious?)
4. Most people think I'm joking when I'm dead a$$ serious. Maybe its my delivery. *shrug*
5. I miss Eddie Murphy pre-tranny hooker. He was unapologetically funny (Raw, Delirious, Vampire in Brooklyn). Now, he's Dr. DooLittle and donkey in Shrek. I hope Chris Rock doesn't get caught with a tranny hooker.
6. I wear makeup everyday. Its getting to be annoying. Part of me wants to quit but a) I have to for work and b) I don't know if I can.. *GASP*
7. I forgive too easily, friends say. I don't think I forgive easily. I just think its better to have less things on my heart. Ya'll know I'm a big girl..I can't have anger and bitterness on top of all this jelly...lol
Tag 15 Bloggers (Umm...I read like 5 blogs...lol)
1. Diddy Bop
2. Trish
3. Young Woman
4. Gorgeous Puddin
5. Monique
(literally...5 blogs. if i'm not reading your blog...leave a comment or email me at lifeisaficklepickle at gmail dot com and i'll get to reading!)
Answer the following questions
Favorite colour: Purple
Favorite song: "Visions"~ Stevie Wonder
Favourite dessert: Oreos dipped in white chocolate (OH EM GEE)
Biggest pet peeve: People not covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze.
When you are upset, you: I hold it in and try to analyze all aspects of the situation.
Your favorite pet: :(
Black or white: Black
Biggest Fear: Going to Hell (no, for real) or getting my face sliced
Best feature: My enchanting eyes or happy disposition
Everyday attitude: Gratitude for life.
What is perfection: Love
Guilty pleasure: Lately, I've been OD'ing on the Oreo McFlurry from McDonald's. to be extra fat, I make them put caramel sauce in it. DELISH!
Purple is my favorite color too! Aww, a shot out, and I didn't get you anything. Still super sorry about Rocky :( Going to hell is a HUGE fear of mine too. I'm working on you and that visit!
Thank you I'm flattered that you read...now if you could just comment...lol Purple is my favorite color too!
When you are upset, you: I hold it in and try to analyze all aspects of the situation. Me too - and lol at the McDonalds Mcflurry comment. sounds good. I miss blogging and reading blogs especially yours- im at work sneaking it in right now-- since i got married all that went out the window. he doesnt like me blogging and I wouldnt want him reading my stuff anyway. I just do my youtube thing and thats it.
i am so late and wrong.
doesn't being lactose intolerant suck? i've been eating cheese like its going out of circulation. i keep saying its cause i don't have a man and don't have to worry. i fear i won't be able to stop when i do have one :-(
purple is a nice color.
sorry about rocky :-(
thanks for still reading, even though i don't post...
ps...i've been so out of it, i didn't realize Kenya got married and that's why we've been deprived of all her fun blogging :-)
and i hold in anger as well...it is so not healthy but neither is the other end of the spectrum. then you look like a raging lunatic like those basketball wives women.
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