Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This is how batty I am.....

I accidentally shoplifted from Duane Reade today...

I went to pick up food for myself and someone else and I went into Duane
Reade to pick up Xmas cards..I put my wallet in my coat pocket. I was
talking to my co-worker perusing the aisles when I noticed that my
wallet was gone. Talk about PANIC! My cards, id, everything is in
there...so in my haste to find my wallet..I drop my food which is ruined
because my drink spilled all over my gourmet meal of Gray's Papaya hot
dogs, am going up to random people asking if they've seen my wallet. No
one has seen it..I go back to my job...hand my co-worker his food...lo
and behold my wallet is on the inside.

Went back to Duane Reade and had to pay for my stuff..

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift.

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