Saturday, December 5, 2009

How I Feel Right this Second.

I'm the only person in the world that doesn't manipulate you. I'm the only person in the world that doesn't take advantage to you. I'm the only person in the world that doesn't judge you. I listen to you without bias. I listen to you as you analyze every part of your life. I'm there for you no matter what. I'm there. All the time. Not one time have you needed me...really needed me and I haven't been there front and center, on time every time. But you're inconvenienced now and you didn't feel like it. And so, fine. That's fine. I'm so sick of people and their defeatist attitude. I'm sick of people not listening to me. If you will listen I will talk to you. For years, I've felt as though you were just waiting to say what you wanted to say how you feel never mind paying attention to how I feel. And that is fine. Because one day, I'll stop talking and we'll all be in trouble.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

1 comment:

Young woman on a journey said...

i'm sorry babe. we are always here to listen