Monday, June 4, 2007

Fri nite...

(Repost from 2 days ago)
I am tooo sober for this to be a Friday night. Feelin like maybe I
should act like I'm drunk...hahahahaha

Me n BFF are going through something. I can't explain it but I feel like
beating the shit out of her. She's been working my last nerve for a
while..but, hey! I'm passive its cool. Its not but it is.
What can I do?
She's going away for 2 I can pretend we don't have a problem
for another couple of weeks. Hopefully, when she comes back, I'll be in
my new apartment and life will be great for me.

Today, I found out that I can't paint. Hope I can negotiate it...but I
doubt it....but there's always hope.

Tomorrow and Sunday sucks cause I have to work 7 to 3. Ugh! Hate it!
But..maybe I'll get some kisses from Mr.Phil. Hmmmm.

So 29 days til I move. Tentatively.
If no paint for real real...then it would be 16 days.


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