Saturday, July 7, 2007

All signs point to....

the looney bin. Seeing as this is my 5th post for the day before 12noon...all conveying slightly different emotions, it is safe to say that I'm not wrapped too tightly. I'm sitting at work, minding my own business, comprising an awesome reading list, while reading blogs, and I feel a pimple, then I feel irritated, then a wave of melancholy washes over me and I feel like crying. So, I opt for the next best thing - Oatmeal Raisin cookies from the office vending machine. I would opt for Pepsi but they're all sold out...bitches! Too bad I don't like Mr.Phil anymore. He knows how to work out (some) of my funk...ISn't everyone allowed a breakdown every now and again (on a public less)

*starts humming* I remember when I lost my was something so special about that day..even your emotions gotta let go....

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