Saturday, July 7, 2007


to me is Barnes and Noble. The lure of a nice warm tea and a cuddly bed with a hot new book gets my blood juices flowing and stimulaion from head to toe. Bon chika woun woun....

Oooh Baby...I think I'm going to have a new man in my life. His name is Harukui Murakami. I haven't yet to read his books...but it's like the start of any new relationship. I'm playing coy while my heart is fluttering with...


My new best girlfriend is Eric Simone Turnipseed. She wrote the most wonderful book, A Love was real, not too graphic. It felt like we were talking over drinks. And was well-written.She has a new book out. Well new is relative. I just so happened to put her name in on the BN website and bam! I feel slapped. She didn't even tell me...
But, I look forward to Hunger. It meets up where A Love Noir left off and baby I've got pangs for this book....yay!!!

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