Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Returns on Love

If love is an investment we make with our hearts as collateral and the return is our lifelong friend/lover, when things don't work out, we end up losing more than our shirts.

My love life has been as tumultuous as the roller coaster of Dow Jones. Up one minute and down the other.

I've placed stock in the Blairs, the Dames, the Kappa Guys, expecting gross dividends and ending up with lint.

(Enough of the stock market analogies)

I have been living in lala land. I have allowed Aussie to come in and sweep me off of my feet. So concerned with feeling as though I'm falling into the trap of being an angry black woman, I've forgotten to watch out for signs he is not who he say he is.

Gi said something to me today that had me thinking.

Yes, we have a connection.
Yes, I like him - but have I allowed us to move so fast out of fear there isn't anyone else out there?

Or have I allowed a friend to pull me down?

She has the right intentions, but...I'm not sure.

She told me to keep my guard up, get to know him better, be careful. Not bad things.

I see where she is coming from. She doesn't want me to be used. I have a tendency to pour myself into relationships, often giving 110% and getting maybe 50% back.

Today, the subject of Christmas gifts came up. He wants a coat that costs $135. I said, ok...I want shoes.
In my mind, I wanted to get him a PSP bundle that cost $199.

At first, I didn't think of it in ths I'm asking myself - will my gift be comparable? If it's not, then what?

I know love is a gamble and a risk, but I do not want to be hurt again. I really don't think I have it in me to endure that.

I can't read Aussie. I can't tell what his angle is and I don't know if I could potentially hurt him by questioning his motives. Who knows if Gi's words will save or sink me? My eyes are open now.

If he's worth his weight in marbles, maybe he'll prove to be the man I want to believe he is.

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niema said...

as far as christmas gifts go...i would make purchases according to how long you've been a relationship. a year...then they get the $100+ gift. under 6 months...$50 on a gift at most.

work up to the big stuff. no point in rushing anything.

in fact, my advice is to slow down. whatever happened to just dating someone and getting to know them before the talk of love comes up? my rule is, even if you feel that way, you shouldn't mention the "L" word until at least a couple of months have passed.

make him earn it. don't just give it away.

WiZ said...

wow. i have never looked at it like that. kudos

Nina said...

ok, it's possible i was throwing the l word around a little. i didn't mean love, i meant luv.

Anonymous said...

Hi girl!
Thanks for the add on 20something! I have to tell you that I am loving your blog. Ah... the ups and downs of love (excuse me... luv)!
Basically what it boils down to is that who ever you are with is a relfection of how you think of yourself. If you want love/luv in your life you have to feel it and be it first in order to attract it on the outside to come to you. You know what I mean? Don't sweat it about Aussie, focus on you and your desires and if he is right for you and matches up to what you want and how you feel then it will flow. If not, you will know soon enough. Haven't we all been there?
Can't wait to read more.
Swing by my blog too when you get a free moment:)

Purple Vintage Space Princess

Anonymous said...

Hi girl!
Thanks for the add on 20something! I have to tell you that I am loving your blog. Ah... the ups and downs of love (excuse me... luv)!
Basically what it boils down to is that who ever you are with is a relfection of how you think of yourself. If you want love/luv in your life you have to feel it and be it first in order to attract it on the outside to come to you. You know what I mean? Don't sweat it about Aussie, focus on you and your desires and if he is right for you and matches up to what you want and how you feel then it will flow. If not, you will know soon enough. Haven't we all been there?
Can't wait to read more.
Swing by my blog too when you get a free moment:)

Purple Vintage Space Princess